Brian Xu, LinkedIn Senior Data Scientist and ‘Misleading Stats’ TikToker, sat down with Creators with Influence to discuss how big data can improve your everyday life. Hosts Qianna Smith Bruneteau and Karston ‘Skinny’ Tannis discuss with Brian the role of big data in our lives, debunking the TikTok algorithm, and how we can make the internet safer by elevating factual information on Season 1, Episode 3.
“Have good data hygiene. For example, when you are presented with a stat [ask yourself] what does it mean, could be a little bit misleading or misinterpreted and then be able to express it correctly.” –Brian Xu
At LinkedIn, Brian is turning data into insights to help members, media, and policymakers understand the workforce and economy. Currently, he is telling stories about how companies and employees are rethinking how, where, and why we work as the labor market emerges from the pandemic. His data work has been featured in keynotes and hundreds of publications including The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, The Economist, Axios, Reuters, Forbes, Business Insider, and LinkedIn’s Hello Monday podcast.
He began creating TikTok videos on data science and Chinese jokes during quarantine and has gained 1M+ followers and 30M+ likes. His content seeks to engage audiences with spicy data and promote Asian representation.
Creators with Influence is produced by the American Influencer Council.
Connect with @Bri_Xu